iframes / widgets / popup in muffin builder

Hello - my is site at http://www.vegtext.com/
Sorry, but the code is still a bit new to me, so thanks for bearing with my learning curve!

With muffin builder, I'm trying to figure out how I can put a popup ( that will remain responsive) on this page that opens an iframe form.
I want a viewer to see a sign up form as a popup. I tried to add a side widget, but then couldn't find in the documentation how to create a popup out of the iframe, much less how to put that within the widget.

If I cannot do that, or it will not remain responsive:
I would like to embed the iframe (signup form) in the page. I tried to do this already but was unable to maintained the responsive integrity across devices, so I gave that up - but I'm interested still if that's an option!

The iframe code I want is:

<iframe src="http://platform.getclearstream.com/lib/widget.php?id=439" frameborder="0" width="220" height="250" scrolling="no" style="border:none;"></iframe>

Thanks so much!!


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