How do I give my <h1> a specific weight?

Please read my entire question.

I see the Font Family screen and it DOES give you options on changing the character. And I see the Google Fonts STyle and Weight. What I don't understand is all the checked boxes for specific weights. What are those applied to? How do you apply one of the font weights to a specific header like and h1. I can uncheck them and check them and they do nothing to the results of the font display on the front end. I don't understand how this works. Usually in a GUI you can choose your font, weight, color, size etc. I don't understand how I can make my <h1> Catamaran with a weight of 900 Black. Can you please tell me how to accomplish this?


  • Hi,

    this is very simple. Those checkboxes loads fonts with those styles. It's is necessary to use them later on site. And if you want to use h1 for example with font-weight 900, you need to use the following style:
    <h1 style="font-weight: 900;">H1 content</h1>
  • der! Sorry for the stupid question. I thought there would be somewhere in the GUI for that. But, I did not do what you said after all. Instead, I simply went to the css tab in the theme options and included the h1 call out along with the other h tags you had there with weights. Worked great!

    Thanks for your help.
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