Duplicated sitename on BLOG POSTS with SEO YOAST plugin

Hi People,

 I am having a problem
here. I am using a SEO YOAST Plugin to manage SEO optimisations. Unfortunately,
it’s getting a little problem with BETHEMe. It is working well with pages, but
I am getting duplicated site name on blog posts.

It seems this code needs
to be changed.

<title itemprop="name"><?php

if( mfn_title() ){

echo mfn_title();

} else {

global $page, $paged;

wp_title( '|', true, 'right' );

bloginfo( 'name' );

if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) echo ' | ' . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'betheme' ), max( $paged, $page ) );



How can I get it right, whithout damaging my site.What should
I change?

Site Link: glpibrasil.com.br

Part Name is duplicating: GLPI Brasil (Site Name)

See please my screnshots at: glpibrasil.com.br/Seo_yoast_be_theme.pdf


  • Hi,

    if you use recent theme version, then there is nothing to be changed. This has been checked by thousands of people already and now everything works as supposed to work. We suggest you to check if you turned off built-in seo fields under Theme options > SEO section and if you did not set any extra title under Settings > General section.

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