ACF "advanced Custom Fields" integrated to betheme

Good Morning 

I want to integrate ACF to BeTheme and need to know to file .php template modifications must add code to add these custom fields and showing me pictures. Thank you


  • Hi,

    we did never tested anything like that so we don't know if that would work and where you should modify theme files exactly.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • I've checked all the discussion on ACF and always the same answer. I think he's putting doors on the camp.
    ACF is widely used and betheme users only ask which file needs to be modified to add custom fields. Nothing more than that.
    In a simple theme it is added in single. php but not in betheme.
    I have tried on several files and it is never the expected result.
  • Chete1984
    I can pass this info to the dev team, there must be some issue with ACF.
    We will see.
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