Up-sell not appear

Hi, on this theme up-sell products not appear in detail view, on another themes it work normal but not on betheme. I tried clean install but it not help.

This is default wp theme:

and this is betheme, without up-sell products, 



  • We dont' see the difference between images. Can you explain where is the difference? Because we really have no idea what is wrong.
  • Okay sending new explain images. :D Thanks for advice.

    1st image here You can add Upsells products


    2nd image Shows Upsell product on products page, this is a default WP theme (there are "You may also like..." and related products)


    3rd image shows same product page but activated betheme, Upsell products disapear.... (there are only related products)

  • Ok we see what you mean now :) We already added it to "todo" list. Hope this will be available with update soon.

    Thanks for understanding.
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