Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on

Hi All, 

Just upgraded my betheme to the latest version. On going to betheme options under appearance I get the below error:

Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0

Any way to resolve this ?

Thanks in advance. 

John Wai, 


  • Hi John,

    Because you faced with such a weird issue, which we believe has nothing to with the BeTheme itself, we recommend the following steps:

    1. Please go to your FTP account where theme is, remove whole theme folder and then upload the latest version thru FTP as well. Please make sure that all the files were copied correctly.

    2. Remove all 3rd party plugins (including cache of course).

    3. Make sure, there is no additional cache stuff on server side.

    Hope above steps would help you a lot.
  • Hi Muffingroup, 

    It's W3 Total Cache that seems to be causing the issue. Would you know which particular option caching
    option that would be causing that problem ?

    Of course I will have a play. 


  • Sorry John, but we have no idea what option this might be. There is too many factors that may have an impact on this one.
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