What is Builder >> SEO option and what for? [Yoast content is invisible]
BUILDER >> SEO is an option that transforms Muffin Builder content into readable content for plugins like Yoast. Some plugins (including the previously mentioned), can read only WordPress editor content and does not see other fields. So if you want the Muffin Builder content to be visible for plugins like Yoast, you need to click Builder >> SEO option to move the content from Muffin Builder into the default WP editor. It is very important to use this option after you update your page. Please do not use this feature, if you did not clicked the UPDATE button on the right side before. This means that you have to create the content in the Muffin Builder and update, then copy the content using the Builder >> SEO button.
Afterward, please turn ON Hide the content button. It is located below the muffin builder in the options section. This button will cause the content from WP editor to be visible for plugins that work on default editor. This content, will not be visible to anyone on the front-end (even bots).
Please take a look at the screenshot below, where Builder >> SEO option and Update button are.

Afterward, please turn ON Hide the content button. It is located below the muffin builder in the options section. This button will cause the content from WP editor to be visible for plugins that work on default editor. This content, will not be visible to anyone on the front-end (even bots).
Please take a look at the screenshot below, where Builder >> SEO option and Update button are.

Also, please explain how Muffin Builder disappears exactly? We need more details about the issue you have faced with.
My main concern with using "Hide the content" is that we lose our social sharing buttons on the bottom.
However, the images do have a title, alt, and description. I deleted the image from the Page Option editor, and inserted again changig the alt, but when I do this, I just get an empty space where the atribute is meant to be in the code. I tryed several workarrounds without any luck.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
And the imagne is this, which seams ok to me
It´s actually happening with all the images in that specific page. The thing is that I was hired to do the SEO for the site and then found out that any of the images have a proper title, alt, and description. So I started to create them and then when updating on the page it doesn´t recognize the alt.
Just remove the alt tag in the link, it should be added automatically.