Popup Contact Form 7

Dear muffingroup-team,

I found discussions concerning the possibility to embed a ContactForm7 in a popup-button, but they are older than 2 years.
So is there a new way to solve popup contact forms besides the installation of additional fancybox?

Thanks and kind regars


  • Hi,
    Just use the shortcode popup and insert the contact form shortcode inside. It should work.
  • Ok, I tried the popup-shortcode with ContactForm7-Shortcode inside.
    If I put the ContactForm on a Page without the popup, everything works fine.
    Inside a popup, the submit-button is disabled

    <div class="column one"><input type="submit" value="Senden" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-submit button_theme" disabled="disabled"></div>

    Can you tell me, why it is disabled?

    Thanks and kind regards
  • Found the problem...had to do with an acceptance-tag inside of the form.

    Kind regards
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