Section background image will not cover page

Hi there, here is the webpage in question!

I have two sections on this page that were working perfectly before I logged on today to make a small change (not to the sections in question, just adding some writing up top)...After updating the page you can see in a couple of the sections that the mountain background is no longer stretching across the page, and the blue background color is also no longer stretching across the full page...I have each section set to full-width no margin with a parallax background, and the inline css for the blue hover bar is: 

[hover_color background="rgba(8, 8, 56, 0.8)" background_hover="rgba(8, 8, 56, 0.4)" border="" border_hover="" padding="0px 0px" link="" target="" class="" style=""]

Here are some screenshots as well...any help with this would be greatly appreciated!




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