FILTER by Categories and Tags

Hi everybody,

1- on the blog I filter post by Category as you indicated and I choose to show the Category Filter but, I don't want to see the name of the name of the category I don't want to see! How can I solve it?

2- First I choose to see the post of only when category by your specific option, then by Tags with a Right Sidebar. When I click on a Tag I want to see only the post with the Tag selected (and it's ok) but within the Category filtered before, not all the post that contain the Tag (so with all the categories!). 

How can I make it?

Thank you, regards.


  • Hi,
    1. We can hide the names with css but please send us a link to your website and tell make a screenshot describing what do you want to hide exactly.
    2. When you click on a tag, it does not matter that you clicked a category before, it will open a new page with the tags only. Please send a link we will check it.
    thank you

  • 1. this is the link I don't want to see the category "didattica"
    2. this is the page The post you see are all in the category "Musica da Ballo". When I Click on a tag I want to see the post with the tag I selected AND with the category "Musica da ballo". Not all the post (with the others categories).

    Thank you.
  • Hi,
    1. SOrry but you cannot hide one category, if there are no posts assigned to it it will not show. Either we show or hide all of them
    2. THis is not possible. When you click on a tag it opens a page with all of the posts that belog to this tag, it does not filter the categories. This is normal wordpress behavior.
  • Ok thank you... do you know if is there any plugin compatible with your framework? In reference with point 2....
  • Hi,
    Sorry but we do not know any plugin for that. We did not test any so we cannot advise here.
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