Reading content of Muffin Builder of one page in another page

I came accross this plugin:

Basically it offers implementing content of pages on other pages. The problem: it doesn't take the content of Muffin Builder, but takes only the content of the Wordpress editor.

Why should one use this?
We'd like to make some pages which's content is then combined on other pages. For example: we make on page 1 some Trailer Boxes. On page 2 some client recommendations.
Then we go to the startpage and just insert the content of page 1 and after that the content of page 2 just by using shortcodes.
This way, if we change something on page 1, it automatically changes on the startpage.

Unfortunately this plugin doesn't take the Muffin Builder content. Or does the Muffin Builder have a certain taxonomy tag we could use to get it's content?


  • Ok I found a solution by myself. I wrote a function that achieves what I want:

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Muffin content [muffincontent]                [muffincontent id=$pageid]
     * Shows the muffin builder content of a certain page/post
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( ! function_exists( 'muffin_content' ) )
        function muffin_content( $attr, $content = null )
                'id'    => '',
            ), $attr));
            $output = "";
            if($id > 0)
                $output = mfn_builder_print( $attr['id'] )."\n";

            return $output;
    add_shortcode( 'muffincontent', 'muffin_content' );

    Usage: [muffincontent id="2"] -> inserts muffin content of page / post with id "2"
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