WP doesn't save revisions done with Mufin builder

Hello, as I noticed, WP doesn't save revisions, when we build pages with Muffin Builder. So, for instance, no one intermediate edition was saved, only 2-weeks ago, when the page was just started, I was doing it as a draft, not published, and needed to go back to the previous edition - 1 minute ago when I saved page, but couldn't find it anywhere, including php my admin.

Is there a way to solve this problem - to be able to save in the database all the revisions, even in the draft when we compose them with muffin builder?


  • Hi,
    Sorry but what you are reffering to are the revisions one by wordpress with posts. The content changes in the muffin builder do not have any revisions, you have to make backups yourself or ask your hosting provider.
  • I see, but it's impossible to do backups every minute. It would be wise for you to provide any review system inside of your builder - to save drafts automatically and to give users opportunity to set time in minutes - how often they want to save drafts.
  • We will consider it in the future but for now this is not possible, sorry
  • Ok, thinks, it would be really helpful.

  • Yes I think it in the same way. Revisions could be an essential step for Muffin Builder.
    With VC I can do Revisions…

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