Betheme and Woocommerce using also Yith Feature Video

I have been using so long this theme and now I have problem the last 7 days. The feature video that I have been using is now no longer visual and it has been replace with a blank image.
As the follow link
How can I resolve this? Please help me ASAP.


  • Hi,
    Sorry maybe woocommerce in the new version is not supporting this plugin. We do not know because we do not change the woocommerce files and we do not support third party plugins. Try to check if this works on a standard wordpress theme?
  • I have try this on a standard wordpress theme and it works. This is a problem compatable with this theme cause so far there was no problem. Can you help me or should I download the oldest version of woocommerce? My client needs an answer.
  • Hi,

    Sorry, but we did not test this script/plugin with the theme. Our policy clearly states that we do not support third party plugins or custom code so unfortunately we cannot be of any help to you.

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