Don't understand how the header menu, padding and size works

edited July 2017 in Menu / Mega menu
Hi, I've been trying different settings but they all seem to act differently together so I'm not sure how to make them work the way I want. I have the menu/header set to "sticky" and "fixed" which is what I want. However I seem to be having a difficulty.

The page content seems to go under the menu by quite a lot. On the home page, I added a bunch of padding to the row so my first builder element (first title on the page) would not be under the menu.

If you look at the "About us" page, you can also see the placeholder banner image is under the menu. In this case I am using the image in the subheader.

I have tried changing the header layout from default (which adds a very large space) to minimalist. I've also tried changing the padding on the subheader but neither of those things seems to be related.

Do I need to manually set padding on every page or is there a setting so that my first page section starts where the menu ends, rather than going under it?

Page is here, you can log in using demo / demo in both fields:

Thank you.


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