Responsive form into revolution slider and footer

edited August 2017 in Other
Firstly, Betheme is a great theme and very easy to use. The documentation is good and well explained. However, the CSS is really difficult to handle especially with the responsive design.
The main design was easy using shortcodes and widgets but I got some issue when I put a small form with input and a validation button into the slider and my footer. This is the web site that I am working on ( 
You can notice that the design is not working properly especially with responsive design. I used a lot of custom css but it does not work as I expected. Please take look to the old web site ( The input and the button are aligned and the responsive design is working properly. CSS is not my specialty and it's really hard for me, Could you give me a hint with a custom css and how can I handle the responsive in this case?

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards. 


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