Portfolio Masonry is acting strange and inconsistant.

I have built up a portfolio of about 30 items and 7-8 categories.
I am using the page "gallery" as my default page for my portfolio items.
When the "Gallery" page is loaded, it does NOT show all the portfolio items that are under any particular category correctly when you click the sorting button/category.
When you click on say "Weddings" it only brings up 1. But, in fact, as you can see from my first screen grab, there are 14. Why aren't ALL of the Portfolio posts for "Weddings" being filed when you click on that sorting?

This same problem happens on the home page that is one of your shortcode drag-in-drops:
Same problems. I don't understand.

What am I doing wrong, cuz I can not figure out the issue.


  • Hi,
    this is a technical problem that cannot be fixed so easily. Please notice that whewn you choose wedding only one photo shows up, but when you change the page it will show the rest. The problem with JQuery filtering is that all of the portfolio items must be present on one page, so either turn off jquery filtering in theme options>portfolio or set a very high number of portfolios on your page.
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