Mobile menu is not closeable and permanently open on mobile-sized viewports

I have an issue with the beTheme 20.5.1 where the mobile menu is permanently shown on mobile-sized viewports.

One the window gets to around the 450px mark the mobile nav drops down and cannot be closed by clicking the hamburger menu icon.

In the settings I am using the "Classic" menu (under Responsive > Header > Menu).

Responsive Menu Style - Classic

I have looked through the JavaScript and media queries at length but I cannot find where in the BeTheme code the mobile menu is being forcibly opened. Can you advise where this is being done and how I can tweak the theme to prevent it, either in settings, CSS or JS.

Many thanks,

(I am unable to share the URL to show this happening as the site is only on my dev environment and on an environment behind HTTP auth)


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