Custom CSS - How to use it??

Hi there,

I have tried to use custom css within a wrap item custom css text area and targeting that class on the custom css section of the same page on muffin builder many times and I still can't seem to change elements. Even after I have tried using the !important attribute at the end of my css declarations.

Can anyone out there give me a working example of how the css class within an item within muffin builder is targeted and actually changes to the style you want it to. Cannot seem to get it to work.

Your help is much appreciated. Thank You



  • Hi,
    Please always attach a link so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost) then our help will be limited, you will have to contact us when the page is online. Also please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.
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  • I would just like an explanation on how to use custom css in the page builder.

    Are there specific rules to it like:

    1. making sure I use a . for declaring the class in the wrap > item module and then targeting that class in the custom css area at the bottom of the muffin builder page.

    2. Using !important at the end of each css property.

    3. Targeting the css elsewhere. 

    I just want to know what is the best approach to using the custom css option. Could someone briefly walk me through that process? Send me a video or document link explaining it?

  • I cannot just explain you the whole CSS structure in one post. Please give me an example of where you are using the css and let me see the page so I can inspect the code. I will tell you what you are doing wrong.
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