remove mega menu [nav menu roles plugin]

can you tell me how/where can I hide mega menu in order to make the theme work with nav menu roles plugin? 


  • Hey,

    this is unfortunately not possible.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Apparently it was possible 4 months ago when your answered another user. "All we can do for you is solution that will remove Mega Menu and images from Mega Menu and you will be able to use only standard menu instead."  Here is the link so if you could check again I would appreciate.
  • But for that you must modify theme files, do you know? Also maybe you did not noticed but after any modifications we are not responsible for your theme and also you are not able to do any theme updates what is very important. But if you don't care about that, then we leave explanation below how to do it:

    In functions.php file, please remove or comment below line:
    require_once( LIBS_DIR .'/theme-mega-menu.php' );
    Then in functions/theme-menu.php file please comment or remove below lines that exist 3 times:
    'walker' => new Walker_Nav_Menu_Mfn,
  • I do know, I'm an Engineer. I've found another way to do it and still receive your updates (not the most stable solution though) so your solution may be useful in the future, thank you for your answer ;) 
  • edited March 2015
    Hi, I need to remove this menu feature too for the same plugin, is there any code I can put in child theme functions to remove the the mega menu?
  • @mindm At this moment this is not possible but we'll consider this feature while future updates.

  • Is there anyway to overwrite a mega menu function from within functions.php which will effectively stop it from being activated on a child theme, or some solution that can be done from a child theme and not the original theme?
  • Hi,

    At this moment this is not possible but we'll add this option in one of the next updates. Please follow our changelog.

  • I'm eagerly awaiting the day both BeTheme and Nav Menu Roles would be compatible.  :((
  • @simpleet Just do what we described above and both will be compatible. From our side, we can't remove mega menu for theme because a lot of people are using this feature.
  • @muffingroup How do I go about adding the above to a child theme's functions.php? You'd already know by modifying the parent's files, we'd have to update it again in future when an update is released.

    Do let me know if this can be avoided. :)>-
  • You can try this in child theme functions.php file but we are not sure if this will work. If this won't work, then unfortunately we do not have other solution at this moment.
  • edited March 2016
    Necro this thread becaue I believe we should be able to do this. I can't use any menu plugin now without going into the main theme files

    edit: nevermind I found the option under betheme options --> global --> advanced.
  • @sopphy can you help me with that nav menu solution ?

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