Unable to update betheme? Please help me out in order to update theme

I bought this theme but I am unable to update theme. Please help me to update theme


  • Hi,
    please give some details, why cant you update it exactly?
    What version are you using?
  • I am using 20.4.1 and now i want to upgrade it to 20.7.7 that is the latest version. I am getting he given below error.

    Unpacking the update…
    Installing the latest version…
    Theme update failed.

    An error occurred while updating Betheme: The package could not be installed. The package contains no files.

     Secondly I am unable to choose the custom permalinks option.

    Thirdly I am unable to update wpml plugins 

    please let me know how to give you credentials for my website.
  • Hi,
    This error "The package could not be installed. The package contains no files." means that you have not deregistered the website before moving. Please deregister it on both domains and register again on the new one. If this is not possible, then please send a request
    thru the contact form which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact

    Please attach your license key in the message.

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