Megamenu alphabetical in rows

The megamenu sorts left to right alphabetically. Is there a way to alphabetically sort the mega menu in rows vertically first?


  • Hi,
    sorry but it is not clear what you mean. The menu shows just how you set it in appaerance>menus.
  • On the mega menu: It will go like left to right alphabetically like so.

    A | B | C | D
    E | F | G | H
    I | J | K | L

    We would like the menu to be alphabetical starting in rows first
    A | D | G | J
    B | E | H | K
    C | F | I | L

    Thank you
  • So please place the menu elements like this in your menus structure, there is no secret knowledge to this. Just drag and drop menu items in the right place.
  • Right, Obviously you can manually put the menu in whatever order you want, but then on the mobile menu, it is not alphabetic ordered. It now turns into
    On top of that, every time you add a new menu item, you would have to do the math and figure out what row the item should be on because it's not alphabetical in the menu admin.

    Here is an example of a working site with a menu that is alphabetically sorted in rows on the mega menu, and on the mobile version.
  • Okay but you can set a different menu on mobile, just create a new menu just for mobile and set it in theme options>responsive>header
  • okay, then that creates 2 menus you have to manage, for a shopping cart with 30 categories, it's not the most efficient. Is there a solution to change the mega menu to alphabetize in vertical rows first? That is my original question.

    Thank you
  • Sorry but there is not option for that, you would have to write custom code to do that.
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