Can`t update or reinstall

Dear support,

I have a full running client website website –

Since an update request I have got a problem to update the "slider revolution" PlugIn. And since today the Website is without a header!!!

This is a clients website with 200 Visitors each day. How can this happen on a full running website? How can I get the header back running?

I have tried to deinstall and install the PlugIn again but got the same result.

Herunterladen des Installationspakets von …

Entpacken des Pakets …

Das Plugin wird installiert …

Das Paket konnte nicht installiert werden. Dieses Plugin enthält keinerlei Dateien.

Plugin-Installation fehlgeschlagen.

TGMPA v2.6.1

Return to Required Plugins Installer

Volker Wäsch


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