how to set size of portfolio images?


Before last upgrades of theme I used this way to change my portfolio image size. It worked.

But now it stops :(

Could you write me how I can do it now?



  • Hi,

    with new version we splitted portfolio and blog images sizes what is much better solution. With older version, it was limited because images on blog and portfolio where the same size. Now it was splitted so please go to functions/theme-functions.php file and modify sizes for elements you need. Everything was described in file which line is related for what images.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • edited July 2014

    OK, nice to read that you splitted portfolio and blog images sizes.

    So I tried to change 36 row in this file and I have now:
    add_image_size( 'portfolio-list',  259,  370,  true  );  // portfolio - list

    Of course I regenerated my thumbs after it, but it didn't helped.
    So I tried to upload images once again. But it still show me old size :(
    Look there, please:

    I checked files on server and I have got generated good sizes of files.
    But showing it is still not correct :(
    Should I change something more?

    Best regards!

  • You shouldn`t change anything else. But as you showed above, you changed values for portfolio list layout but as we see in link above, you got Grid layout. You supposed to change below line instead:
    1. add_image_size( 'portfolio',         576,  450,  true  );     // portfolio
  • Thx!!! It works! :)
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