Menu Height | Classic Mode

Hi Guys, We're currently working on a site and really need the menu to be 100% height of the menu_wrapper, as explained on the codecanyon feed, we've already tried the following:-

#Top_bar .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { line-height: 20px; padding: 50px 15px 50px 15px ; border-right-width: 1px;}

But this makes the sticky menu items way too big...
Is there a way to have the menu items 100% height of the parent container whether its non sticky or sticky?


  • Hi Guys, after a few hours trying lots of different things, this seems to have solved it (as long as I don't change the top bar height for sticky!

    #Top_bar .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { line-height: 20px; padding: 50px 15px 50px 15px ;} .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { line-height: 20px; padding: 5px 15px 5px 15px ;}

    This won't effect anything else will it?
  • Hi,

    there is no guarantee that custom css won't effect anything else but css looks fine and if works, then should be fine of course.
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