Example code, not just demo, typography

edited May 2015 in Shortcodes
Hi! Sorry if this is recently answered, using the forum from my phone I couldn't find the search option.

Maybe I'm also just being slow or in need of coffee, but looking at the great demo at the typography page, f.ex. the buttons:

I still wonder which options would actually render the buttons in the various styles. (I'd like the outline button with icon, in theme color.) And the documentation page (http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/documentation/ → shortcodes) does not list the actual styles.

Am I missing something vital, or do I have to install various sample setups and dig into to learn which codes/style options I can use?


  • Hey,

    this is "Stroke" style for buttons and you can switch default style to stroke under Theme options > Colors > Content section. Please notice that it is not possible to use 2 styles per one page.

  • Oh, I'd hope to mix on the same page. :-)

    So I can change the default, but can I set different for different pages?

    I guess Default or Stroke is not something I can specify in the shortcode, then(?):

    [button title="Button title" icon="icon-pencil" icon_position="left" link="/somewhere/" target="_blank" color="" font_color="" large="0" download="" onclick=""]
  • This is unfortunately not possible to use different buttons styles per different pages. Only one per site.
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