Trying to use Revolution slider on wordpress MU

edited June 2015 in Revolution Slider

First of all sorry if my English is not perfect.
I have spent 5 hours trying to activate the slider on the website but it doest want to work.
So I decided to activate "echo on" on "Revolution slider troubleshooting" and I get a message "class="home page page-id-2 page-template-default logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support template-slider color-custom style-default layout-full-width grid960 nice-scroll-on mobile-tb-left hide-love header-classic minimalist-header sticky-white subheader-title-left wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-4.2.2 vc_responsive">"

If i do not activate troubleshooting, the website is OK but I d'ont see the slider even if it's activated and well created.

Would you have an idea of how to fix it ?

Thank you,

(If it can help I use Wordpress MU.)


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