some problems

I have never had so many problems with a template.
- On firefox: images are not responsive and overlap.
- On a monitor 1240 px, the menu loses the correct position and header overlaps
- Action bar is not visible
- On mobile, action button is horrible
- When you load the page menu and slider moving
-for a first test without optimization and compression, the page speed is 30%
these are just a few ....


  • And we never met with person who got such many problems with theme :) What is the url where you got all these issues?
  • looking the forum, seems to me that there is someone.... :)
  • So...

    1) This can be fixed with below css:
    .hover_box .hover_box_wrapper {
        display: inline-block;
        max-width: 100%;
    2) Menu loses the correct position because you got too many menu items in header and there is not enough enough space on smaller screens. This is standard behavior. If you want, you can decrease padding between menu items:
    #Top_bar .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { padding: 0 10px !important; }
    3) Action bar does not work with Fixed header because it's not possible to keep them together that way.

    4) Which button and why is horrible on mobile? Please explain.

    5) This is how javascript works. There is not enough space for menu items so javascript must count available space and put menu items in header.  If you will remove button from header, then this could be possible to do it. We improved this a little bit in 8.0 version so if you upgrade to recent version, this should work better.

    6) For this one we can't be responsible because too many factors impact on it like: hosting, internet connection, caching, images on page and many many other. As you see, on our site we used right sizes for images, CDN, cache plugin and site works very quick. And because there is too many factors, site speed must be sorted on customer side only by developer.
  • thanks a lot. See you soon
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