betheme title


I turned off seo settings and installed SEO by yoast, which leaded
to double title.


in header.php you got something like this:

<title itemprop="name"><?php

if( mfn_title() ){

        echo mfn_title();

} else {

        global $page, $paged;

        wp_title( '|', true, 'right' );

        bloginfo( 'name' );

        if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) echo ' | ' . sprintf(
__( 'Page %s', 'betheme' ), max( $paged, $page ) );



When i changed this whole php code into wp_title(); it finally
started working, i think it should be set to use wp_title() if you
turn off theme SEO settings so additional ifelse.

My looks like this (since I am not using build in seo):

<title itemprop="name"><?php wp_title();

Or do you have other options for this so I won't have a problem
when I update
the theme?

Kind regards


  • edited June 2015

    If you use Yoast, you should disable built-in seo fields and also you should remove site title under Settings > General section. You don't need to modify any theme files because all works fine.
  • Hi,

    Yoast is using site name for all default title templates e.g.

    %%title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%

    Which works fine for me.

    But well I just wanted to point it out so you can consider changing

    Best Regards
  • Yes, we know how this plugin works very well. We've been playing with this plugin for few years and everything was done as supposed to be. We have tested Yoast on our side many times, the same our customers did and you can be sure that this plugin works properly with theme. But if it does not work ok on your side, it means that you did a mistake. Above we wrote what could be the problem.
  • Thank you. Topic to close.

This discussion has been closed.