Contact Page: message not send...Solutions?

Hi I'm working on my site

The last but most important thing i have to do is set up my contactpage which i'm using for people to register for a training.

On the contact page on the tab "mail" i have added my emailadres i want the form to sent the filled in data to being [email protected]

But when i try to send the filled in info i get the following error on the site

"Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method."

Any tips?


  • in the meantime i found it probably has something to do with the contact form using phpmail??? Does this make sense?

    Do you have any tips on alternative forms/plugins that i could use within this template that does not use phpmail?

    I also build the page below:

    This contact form worksfine with the same provider that i'm building this new site on. 

    I could really use some help because this is the most most important part of the site. the rest is 100% done, this is the last part before it can go life:-)
  • Hi,

    this problem is related with server. Looks like your server does not support mail functions and only server admin will be able to help you in this case.

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