Post Thumbnails

Hi, I'm having a strange issue where I have inconsistent aspect ratio on post thumbnail images. All of the original images are square, and all the posts are generated from the same plugin and single post type. Here are examples of the inconsistencies: 
I've scoured the theme files trying to find where this is controlled. I tried adding a new post-thumbnail type and changing the default thumbnail in my child theme theme-functions.php, among other things. The code snippet I'm using to call these images is: 
<?php if( ! post_password_required() ): ?>
<?php echo mfn_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID() ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

I've tried modifying this in various ways as well, but to no avail.

Can you point me in the right direction for how to solve this issue? 



  • Hi,

    we are not sure what you exactly mean. As we see, theme was modified a lot, does not look like our theme and it's hard to recognize what is what. However, if you want to change images sizes, you can do this under functions/theme-functions.php file. Please after files modifications, please notice that you must re-create images sizes with Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugins.

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