Styling post subheader by category

on my site I'm using this css: #Subheader { background-color: #F77A31; } to change background of a page.

I'd need to style every post in o-nas category to have the same subheader color.

So on page:  to apply #Subheader { background-color: #F77A31; } and on any other page within same category. And different color in different category.


  • Hi,

    the link you sent is not a category pages so it is not possible to apply css per categories. If you want, you cam style this page with post id, like below:
    .postid-2290 #Subheader { background-color: #000 !important; }
    If you want to do the same for any other page, instead of 2290 you must use post ID.
  • Thanks I sent a post page.

    Thats because I want every page in category to have subheader color changed.

    To apply the css you posted automatically to all posts in one category.
  • So if you want to do the same with every post page in category, then you must use css per POST ID as we showed above because there is no other way to do this.
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