Sidebar is overlapping colored column of text

My home page has a colored row underneath the slider. The side bar is overlapping that bar. Is there any way to push the sidebar down or have it go behind the bar? I would like to adjust the color of the side bar but when I do it covers up the row. The inside pages seem ok.



  • Hi Jenn,

    you can move this sidebar down with below css:
    .widget-area::before { margin-top: 70px !important; }
  • Hi-
    That worked to get it away from the row, but now it overlaps the footer by 70px...
  • Sorry, you're right. This is really weird but it is not possible to cut the background from the bottom. So the only solution we have is to decrease sidebar background height. For that please use below css:
    .widget-area::before { margin-top: 70px !important; height: 90% !important; }
  • Thanks for your quick response. Sorry if I am being a pain about this. That works great on the home page, but on the rest of my pages the background is now below the widgets because the other pages do not have the green row. Any way to just effect the home page and not the others?
  • One more thing...the "change the background color of the side bar" CSS doesn't work in Chrome (I am on Mac) so I might not be able to change anything. I took it off for now, in case my client is looking. =)
  • If above css does not work as you want, then please try below css. But if this won't help, then we do not have anything else unfortunately at this moment to control sidebar height:
    .aside_right .widget-area {
        padding-top: 80px;
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