Content Not Appearing on iPad Landscape

Hello Muffin Support,

My homepage's revolution slider is disabled on mobile & I have two sections which are hidden for desktop.
The page loads correctly in portrait mode but is blank on landscape.

Please see attached images for details

Please kindly assist :)




  • Hi Sam,
    Please send a link to your website.
  • My apologies. 

    Thank you,

  • We are not sure what is happening but we can say that this may be cause by the cache plugin, try to disable all plugins and remove browser cache on the tablet.
    Also there are console errors from the facebook pixel, try to adress them
    let us know how it went.
  • It appears the issue could be with the responsive visibility on the page's section.

    When I have it on default it shows on the desktop and iPad
    When I have it on hide on desktop it only shows on the iPad's portrait mode, not on the landscape.

    My goal is to hide the section block on desktop but visible on iPad and phone.

    Could it have something to do with the 960px + ? Possibly the iPad is rendering the portrait mode as less than 960px and landscape as greater than 960px?

    Hope this makes sense :)


  • No sorry, we have 767px< for mobile devices like tablets and phones.
    This does not make sense at all, the slider should not be dissapearing since it is working in portrait mode but not on landscape.
    Have your tried using another slider? Maybe the slider has an option like this.

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