@media screen


I have some trouble with the height of the contact box. It appears ok on most resolutions, except on 1024x1024 and 1024x600. 

This is how I want it to look like (equal height with the other box):

How it looks like on those two resolutions:

I read on the internet I have to put some @media screen rules for those resolutions. So I put the following css rules, but it's not working!

@media only screen 
   and (max-width : 1024px) 
   and (max-height : 768px) {

.get_in_touch {
padding: 38px 20px;

@media only screen 
   and (max-width : 1024px) 
   and (max-height : 600px) {

.get_in_touch {
padding: 38px 20px;

What appears is that the browser on these two resolutions, takes the general rule in the css:

.style-simple .get_in_touch { padding: 63px 20px;}

Could you help me fixing that?



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