Header - Phone & Email


Currently all I have on my webpage header is our logo....I would like to add a contact section on the right side. Could you please direct me in how to do this?  https://www.guildhmsinsurance.ca 




  • There are many ways to add contact info.
    1.Top_right_bar is the place in which you can insert an action button, more settings in: theme options>header&subheader>extras
    2. The action bar is also a place you can insert info, theme options>menu&action bar>action bar
    3. In headers like creative or magazine you can insert banners, theme options>header&subheader>extras
  • The only thing I see is a Phone icon on the top right hand corner in a triangle image and i can't remove it. I would like to add my own email icon and phone # across the top
  • Sorry but you have 26console erros and all of this is done with your custom css so we do not know why cant you remove it. Please check your css.
  • I have found and removed the phone in the top right corner and I am now working on getting the phone number and email to show but it all seems a little odd. If you could have a peak at how it looks now and let me know your thoughts that would be great.
  • Sorry but this is your custom code. If you want to have a contact number and email in the header, you cn enable the action bar and it will be displayed there.
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