Can't import demo content (pages)

I had already imported a whole demo website. Now I wanted do import just a page from another demo website. I've tried following the theme documentation, but get an error: "Can not get domain name.". It works well in my MAMP website, but not on my online version, hosted by hostgator at domain


  • Hi,
    you need to resgister you license key first, in betheme>dashboard,
    later unregister the license and register again on the main domain.
  • It worked, but when I tested importing another theme content only (One Page Car Wash), it change every type font I had in my website.
  • I don't think that's possible - it does not change the theme options, it's just downloading the content of pages, probably some inline css is provided with font-family or you didn't tick off the theme options option .

    But, changing the font family in BeTheme is not hard, just go to the Theme Options > Fonts >Family, there you will find a couple of dropdown menus with fonts available to choose.
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