Featured Image Not Showing on Main Blog Page in Video Format

If I set the format of a blog post to "Video" (choices are Standard Horizontal Image, Vertical Image, Video, Quote, Link) then the featured image does not show up when viewing the main blog page?

Why is this? There should be something showing along with the post title and date, no?

Single Post Link - video format selected: http://be.dev.saratech.com/whats-new-in-femap-11-3/


  • Hi,
    1) Disable all of the plugins
    2) Upload video in Video | HTML5 while editing post and change format to video.

  • 1. I don't have the video in mp4 format, it's a youtube link.

    2. I don't think you understand the issue. I'm talking about the format of the Blog Post itself, not the video inside the post - which is what you're referring to when you suggest that I "upload video in Video | HTML5 while editing post and change format to video". I've set the featured image for the post but it's not showing up on the main blog page when the post format is set to "video". However, it does show up when the post format is set to "Standard".

    What's the difference between standard and video post format?

    Here's a screen recording of what I'm referring to: Blog Post Format Set to Video = No Featured Image
  • 1. Link should be enough
    2. Yes, I was talking about it too.
    Get into the post you want to edit.
    Just scroll a little bit to the Media section in Muffin Options and place ID with video you want.
    http://prntscr.com/kapymb - do not forget to change the video post format!

    And you'll have what you want on your blog page.


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