Discreet the usage of Betheme

What are the steps that needs to be taken when, either installing Betheme, or after it's already been installed, that if anyone examine the source code, evidence of Betheme won't be shown. (Theme folder name, styles files etc.)

Thanks so much!


  • Hi,

    please explain what exactly you want to do because we are not sure about it.

  • Hi,
    Thanks for your reply. and apologies if I wasn't clear
    Basically, is it possible to change wherever it's giving away the usage of Betheme to a custom information?
    Like in the places marked in the image attached, so wherever it says 'Betheme' to change it to the 'site name' for example.

    Thanks again.image
  • So folder name (what you showed on 1st image) you can change by changing theme folder name on FTP but please remember that you will lose many settings after that because for WP it would be completely new theme.

    In accordance to 2nd question, you can change their names directly in theme files only.

  • I appreciate your quick reply!

    What kind of settings will it sacrifice for example?

    Thanks again
  • Sorry but we do not offer theme files customization. If you want to remove such things, you need to do it yourself. If you don't know how, you should contact with your website developer but if you don't have any, we can send you privately contact to our college who offer such customization for BeTheme users.
  • Well noted,
    Thank you
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