Parts of website don't seem to be responsive

Hi there,

We are using the Be Insurance theme, here is the site we are working on:

All of the website is responsive to mobile except for the "Do it in 3 simple steps" black box on the home page.

Does anyone have any ideas? 



  • Hi,

    this section was made with your extra plugin and that's why is not responsive. You should contact with plugin's author then.
  • Hi,

    That section came as a standard with the BEinsurance theme so I'm not sure exactly what you mean? 

    The only plugin we have used on our home is the 'Contact Form 7' plugin

    Is that the reason why the page is struggling to be responsive on mobile?

  • WOW, really? When we were checking it last time, this section was made with weird plugin that we never saw. Where is this section now? Because when we open your site, this section does not exist anymore.
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