Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • It would be nice to have more Magazine options, like these ones:

  • B&B , Hotel and self catering demos 
    activity, tours, bookings
  • The current responsive menu doesn't match the header style when set to "Transparent" ( BeTheme Options > Header & Subheader > Header > Transparent ).

    Can you please bundle a plugin like this:

    Here are some example sites (You need to view the mobile site): (scroll down to see sticky menu) (scroll down to see sticky menu)
  • Pleas add the options to use Muffin Builder in Custom Post Type like VC do. That would be a great update. Thank you! :)
  • Hello.

    It would be so cool if you can put a text area that we can add some text, or link on header like this:
    I hope you do it for future updates.

  • please update more feature for woocommerce, like position cart icon menu in mobile device.
  • edited December 2015
    Please add unique id's to style and script elements in theme-head.php for all custom js and css.

    Such as on L400, L408 and L520 so we can target these selectors when adding live css and code functionality via the customizer thank you.  It's a simple fix really.

    echo '<style>'."\n";
    L400 = echo '<style id="mfn-master-css">'."\n";
    L408 = echo '<style id="mfn-post-css">'."\n";
    L520 = echo '<script id="mfn-master-js">'."\n";

    Thank you.

    (yes! thank you for adding this in v11.1 you guys rock!)
  • Please include new version of visual composer (4.9) in the new release of betheme :)
  • Please make the Custom CSS & JS editors a little fancier.

    E.g. A code syntax highlighter or at the very least, something that will allow tabbed indentation.
  • Please focus more on bbPress/Forum, BuddyPress and shop design. Each of these three areas look very "out-of-the-box".
  • edited December 2015
    To be able to search based on industry or type of business, such as fashion or clothing (or anything related)
  • I would love to see a demo for Kindergarden/Nursery website. Something full of lots of different colours. Like many of the best selling nursery themes on themeforest. :)
  • Suggestion: Extra text area next to "Read More" button for blog. So we can add some price or other informations... Thanks.

  • Please add option to display/hide featured image on single post/portfolio pages.

    Also an option to show/hide sharing and love boxes on on single post/portfolio pages.

  • Recent portfolio widget :)
  • Next version release -> Syntax highlighter for Muffin Group code text areas (CSS, JS, PHP hooks etc).

    It's Christmas. Pretty please?

  • Maybe im future upgrades the ability to build custom footers and headers with muffin builder and then be able to select them from the footer / header area for which one you want to use.

    This way you can get more creative with the header and footer areas like you can with the body content using muffin builder.

  • Better Easy Digital Downloads integration.
  • Change the way the we can control the Logo in the menu! Right now it's crap!
    There needs to be a simple way to adjust position and size of logo for the website like other themes - Avada for example does a great job at that.
  • Until the "Hamburger" menu is known by everyone as the symbol to click for the menu when on a mobile device, is there any way that we can have the "Hamburger" menu and the word "Menu" next to it? Having the option to have the "Hamburger" menu, just the word, or both would be fantastic. Thank you!
  • Hi,

    Along with all the social platforms possible there are many other evolving, Something like quora could be useful for my website or custom social icons and linkable .

    Please work on this.
  • More SEO friendly, less java calls and css from external files
  • Can you please add "Videos" section in the admin panel like "Slides" where user can show those videos as slider or listing?
  • How about creating demo of a theme for HOME PLAN DESIGNERS? that shows house plans, house plan specs, etc.
  • edited January 2016
    MENU > INCLUDING PORTFOLIO CATEGORIES AND SUBCATEGORIES - being able to access them directly from the menu as subcategories or dropdown features when hovering over the portfolio

    i.e. so I can have two portfolios ( one for photos and one for videos) and then when I hover over PORTFOLIO i am shown both options... helps keep things more separate...

    PORTFOLIO > Categories are not nested under their parent in the FILTER (jquery) > this should be fixed... 

    PORTFOLIO> personalizing hover effect> being able to personalize that hover effect with either another picture, or changing what is shown in that hover effect without going crazy with CSS, etc. 

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION PAGE> should be more customizable or at least offer a couple of landing page templates to choose from..its too fixed right now. 

    WOOCOMMERCE > RELATED PRODUCTS> include a number choice in the Betheme Options box so we can choose the number of related products to be shown in the shop under each product page. 

  • yes multiple:

    1. AutoNav Maps instead of Google (Google is not working in China)
    2. Multiple Markers on one Map
    3. a demo design like this theme
    or this

    only with support of AutoNav Maps
  • hi hi .
    Thank you for a great theme and demo.
    I would like to see a family history theme or ancestry theme.
    Keep up the great work.
  • Amazingly, a lot of people don't know that the 3 horizontal lines on mobile display is actually dropdown menu!

    I understand that Betheme allows us to change it to text to replace the icon. But is it possible to have the icon side by side with the custom text?

    I saw a theme that did this pretty well like this:

    Let me know if this is possible.
    • External translation using;
    • PHP files ending without ?> this unnecessary and help prevent PHP bugs;
    • Add plugins and demo content data to external address (like dropbox or something like that) to reduce theme size;
    • Load fonts with wp_enqueue_style, like example 1;
    • Concat and add all style CSS header inside theme more custom.css using sass, less or stylus will be better once up time you know all class and IDs to map and help creating more clean output code;
    • Demo content data with paths relatives, because many and many people using bedrock installation or custom wordpress installation, like me, my uploads path from domain today is: and always I need correct all items.

    Example 1:
    function mfnch_google_fonts() {
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mfnch_google_fonts' );

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