Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • If you see all the 33 Be now, though they are amazingly arranged, you'll notice all with straight line layouts dividing one section to another making all going from left to right top to bottom kind of feel.

    Please, kindly give us some curvy designs and a bit more of a perspective :)
  • edited August 2014
    One more wish, please install a voting system in this forum where new features will be prioritized plz.
  • edited August 2014
    Using WooCommerce product widget is not as stylish as one by Muffin Recent Posts widget. Plz, add widget by Muffin for products. Current widget by Woo is of course ugly:
  • It would be great if Be can provide a tool to convert Posts which are used as portfolio items by other themes in themeforest like 'U-Design' to Portfolio section as re-entering all those again is a pain and scare most existing users off from switching theme.
    Yes, this feature will not only attract new users but it is a gem to those who want to switch.
  • One more thing, how do we enter 2 phone numbers for 'Action Bar Phone' to work correctly, is it to be separated by / ; or ,? 
    I tried putting +855 12 111111 / 12 222222, but once click it just didn't call correctly; it called:  +855 1211111112222222
    It would be great if we can enter at least 2 phone numbers with its prefix too like: Tel: .............. | Mobile: ...............
  • need a TESTIMONIALS PAGE....

    even a simple listing type page would do. right now there is no option to show testimonials as a page other than sliding testimonials on the home page.

    also on the testimonials slider is it possible to have testimonials without images?? because not all customers gonna send testimonials with their pic. so even if it is added as an option to enable or disable image section on testimonials could be great

  • I would also like to see a GRID display option for blog posts / porfolio etc.

    not everyone prefers masonry display...some do prefer solid aligned grid display

  • Hi,

    1 thing urgently needed in BeTheme:

    1. Smarter Tabs: We need the tabs to be able to have better content including accordian. It will be great if we can insert all the builder elements inside the tabs. So we can create the next generation websites.
    As you might know, that in UI/UX world, tabs are currently sought after and many clients request us to have tabs with lot of well layered content.
    Will be great if you can have this in the next update.

  • I would like to insert text an image into tooltips.
  • edited August 2014

    Please add this feature in one of the upcoming updates.
    On the WooCommerce product page, we should be able to make the description and reviews tabs full-width.

    If you have a long description, it makes the layout very ugly.

  • edited August 2014
    Lightboxing pictures by Muffin:

    Yes, the gallery will work. Anyway, items inserted in the wp post editor cannot be arranged with ones by Muffin and will not have great style either.

    Should there be a checkbox to 'Zoom to source image' for the 'Photo Box, Image, Trailer Box, Sliding Box' by Muffin?
  • In the post, we can see the category, but how to also display the Category too in Porfolio:

    Currently can only show like this: Home > Portfolio > Oxford University Press
    How to get it show like this: Home > Portfolio > Branding Design and or Publishing > Oxford University Press
  • 1.better control over mega-menu background picture size and items location
    2.move the menu to the right edge of the screen and let it open to the left
  • fix the content/shortcodes showing up in the main menu. that would be an extremely useful fix. 
  • Add 'Custom J' like 'Custom CSS' in theme option.
  • May I suggest to make sure the translations functions (client/date/website/task) of the portfolio are also effective in list view?
  • Hey, the theme is great, paralleled only be terrific customer service!
    I made the right choice.
    In the next update could you include an option for a footer menu instead of social icons? This we we could insert links for the designer, legal pages etc. and use plugins to insert an image for an award, for example.
    Do you have any ideas where an image for an award could be featured prominently on every page?
    Thanks again Muffin Gtoup!
  • It would be great to have support for modal windows with html and shortcode content.
  • Be | Author
  • Here:
    Right now I used repeat in order to get the background go along the whole page scrolling. How to get fixed background, so only the form moves?
  • It would be nice to be able to globally set the layout for pages just like you can now for posts rather than having to set the layout on each page individually.

  • It seems like the colors will only get updated in style-colors.php if we manually select the color one by one from 'Header, Content, Footer, etc.' manually!

    It'd be great if Be can pass all the parameters to style-static.css automatically, so we can just enable 'Static CSS' to get this thing done
  • edited August 2014
    @Soweic It won`t be possible at all as it is technically not possible to move them automatically. We described everything on and this is the only possible way to move your own styles into static css files. Some things are just sometimes technically not possible.
  • What about a theme "based" on woocommerce?
    A theme where you can make use of a bunch and especially different features, maybe even combinated. An advanced toolbox where you can pick out everything you need without beeing a professional coder etc.

    Maybe generally more custom possibilities - to build your really "own" content, especially for designers and for an easier control in the backend (which is probably mosted used by the clients themselves afterwards)..

    I like BeTheme, no doubt!
  • A bit tighter integration with WooCommerce would be awesome. Custom product widgets/shortcodes, more customizability etc.
  • I would really love to have the option to change my footer widgets with a new layout.
    Since you offer the option to create different layouts for the same site, it would really be wonderful if each layout could also use different footer areas/ sliding top areas.
    Thanks a lot!

  • Since you especially mention the events calendar plugin on your themeforest page, it would be great if you could give it a better styling like the church theme does it:
  • jinjit, +1 yes, this will help us avoid replicated look!
  • Please add and odnoklassniki social icons and links to action bar
    Glyphs can be found on fontello

    Thanks for a high quality product!
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