Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Would be great if you could fix a conflict issue with the iubenda cookie banner that causes errors only with your theme. These issues have been around since 2015. Iubenda is one of the most complete and used services that guarantees updates in line with the laws of the GDPR.

  • You can add momentarily in custom CSS this line, but yes, it will be cool to be fixed.

    #iubenda-cs-banner .iubenda-cs-opt-group button::after {content: none;}
  • If you noticed any issue with this 3rd party tool, please drop us a message through contact form located on the right hand side at

  • Hi

    For SEO it's better to have Description position on shop pages, in some case its better we can add the description on the end of page and top of the footer and in some case not.

    According that you are fixing the shop problems and releasing new update , it would be grate Idea to add this.

    The compare between 2 product is not good way to show something or advantage but these images was taken from flatsome theme and that is have this option.

    Also its good Idea to change the interface of user profile of woocomerce and add new things to it , with these options the bethem shop will be complete.

    The new things are excellent. but it need improvements.

    Warm regards.

  • edited October 2021

    Very cool feature the live search, but as everything could be better.

    Here some suggestion:

    1. Make the strings translatable (add to the Translation section in the Theme options). Ex. “Pages”, “Posts”
    2. Pressing the key Enter or clicking on magnifier icon, should go to the search result page or at least not close the list results
    3. Close the search box, clicking outside

    For the search page, add also there the option to show the featured image

  • edited October 2021

    Publish the theme on WordPress Repository for security purposes.

    Al lot of WAF checks if are file changes in themes and plugins, checks for the differences in the actual WP installation with the one stored on WordPress repository.

    Your theme is now limited in the options without a license, so who downloads the theme from WP can't use it without a license.

    Yeah, the users can get the updates for free, but they are useless, without a license key that can buy only on Envato.

    Also, in this way you'll more visibility.

    If this doesn't brake the user agreement of Envato Exclusivity Policy, for me you should really consider this option.

  • Change video preload to metadata or none on related post.

    In this way if there are posts with video the page will not load them, making the page loading many faster.

    Add also the same behavior for the blog, and the blog block in Muffin Builder.

    Also add the option to hide the video (not loading in the post) in the post.

  • Hello dear betheme team,

    it would be a bigger request, but how cool would it be, if betheme would be completely accessible and if there would be an accessible mode in the theme options, where you could make the website barrier free. Sure there are some plugins for this, but such an option directly from betheme would probably be more practical if they would comply with the guidelines Possibility for font size change, focus, read aloud, easy language etc.

    This topic is getting more and more intense and it would be nice if people with a handicap are made easier to act on websites :)


  • The possibility to hide the wordpress editor. For me this is always above or is there such a possibility already? Basically I also find it better if the muffin builder and the page options 2 separate windows would be.

    Can someone help me if necessary, how I can remove the WP editor? If possible. Thanks!

  • Despite white label mode, I keep getting the message to vote. This should no longer happen in white label mode to avoid confusing the end customer. See screen.

  • re Woocommerce betheme, please do not hardcode text in core files, let us easily change text if needed? such as in the side cart - Shipping: Free!

    That text needs to be easily editable. Free! ???

  • Execute the function


    if it is active the plugin W3 Total Cache ( to clear the cache after saving the theme options.

  • In the search page, for products, change the label from "Read more" to "View product"

  • edited October 2021
    • Make (Fix) the responsive off-canvas sidebar with JavaScript widgets for external widgets. In particular, plugins that use AJAX to change the content (i.e., product filters).
    • Make translatable the string “Filters”
    • Make the positions of the off-canvas sidebar consistent in from desktop to mobile, I prefer the mobile position on the left.
    • Make the cart Label in the checkout steps lined to the cart page
    • Change the selector from .woocommerce .blockUI to .woocommerce .checkout .blockUI.blockOverlay for applying the style only to the checkout page.
    • Fix Custom Variation Swatches: should be visible on frontend only the attribute terms used for the created variations, not all the terms set
    • Add the option to group the results by post type (as Live search)
    • Hide the message “Shop requires free WooCommerce plugin.” if Woocommerce is active
    • Make the “New Badge” text changeable as the Sold out text
  • Move the position of the badges in the template before the <figure> tag, in this way will stay locked top left even if you change the image of the gallery.

  • Hi,

    Having an option to hide particular authors in the filter would be great. Having authors like Admin and others displayed in the filter is not so good.

    Thank you!

  • Hi,

    Can we please add the option to rearrange the social icons in the footer copyright.

  • Set default category to be showed in Portfolio page.

  • edited November 2021

    I think for the header builder I have an idea. Please if you can add an option where the user can add an animation of fade in when the header goes sticky (when using the Muffin Header Builder) Please!

  • Would be great if we can pick hex color on the product attributes color type display for the correct color of the products attributes we put on the website.

  • @manager-teamq I recommend you to sign up for our beta tests if you would like to have an impact on Header Builder 2.0 features and much more. For more details, please check

  • Menu in "Social Menu Bottom" not showing the submenu

    I would like to open the submenu by clicking the parent item, showing it on the top of the menu position, like this site:, at the bottom of the page "SITI DI FAMIGLIA".

    Thanks, best regards

  • I think that's a good idea. I have used BeTheme for almost 30 projects now. I think I should sign up! Thanks

  • Change Logo and Sticker Logo Size

    Create the ability to enter pixel size for the Logo and Sticky Header Logo.

  • It is already possible to set logo size by setting up its height in Betheme > Theme Options > Global > Logo > Advanced section.

  • Be faster to implement new versions of 3:rd part plugins in your "Install plugins"-list. I see thet Revslider is out with ver 6.5.10. But in your "Install plugins"-page the latest I can download is ver 6.5.8, which I now have issues with (editor won't show anything just a empty grey screen). And I'd like to start trouble shooting with the latest version before doing anything else, but I can't get the latest version...

    Thanks in advance! :)

  • Would be great, to get the premium plugin updates independently of the theme update.

    Even better to figure out the way to update the premium plugin from the WP plugin page, in this way if you have an external WordPress Manager (like Manage WP, you can update it in all websites; without having to enter each website (my company has more than 100), go to install plugins and then update it.

  • This theme is amazing! I just want to suggest something that you guys may be able to add as a built-in feature. There is a plugin called No Right Click Images Plugin which I understand is available for free in the WP Plugin repository but I do believe you guys can take this plugin one step further and do not allow anyone to access the image file even if the url is scraped through browser inspector.

  • Premium bundled plugins like Slider Revolution or WPBakery can not be updated independently without their individual licenses due to policy. However, the plugins like Contact Form 7 and other available in WP Repository, can be updated independently directly from Plugins section.

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