Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Hello,

    Could you please add Phosphor Icons as well. They have a great collection of icons, many that Fontawesome doesn't offer.

    Thanks :)

  • Need better ways to filter items in the section loop.

    For example for pages, it would be great to be able to select the parent page when setting up a section loop ... Not having this option really limits the usability of this tool.

  • I need to see defined product by myself in during woo product custom page designing

  • display post update date in post page instead of post publishing date

  • edited January 2024

    can you add many post template to each pre-built website, it is better if they can be edited via template builder

  • Ability to target custom taxonomies with template builder, please.

  • Hi,

    I believe giving a proper appearance to the Contact Form Upload File/Browse button would be quite important. By default, it does not look good.

    Kind Regards,


  • Please add dynamic content for Video ID (for exemple in the portfolio) compatible with ACF

  • Please change the way Blog archive filters are enabled to support multiple filters (ie Category & Tag but not Author).

    Blog & Portfolio => Blog => Filter

    Should be check box or some other way to enable combinations without needing to display: none;

    Thank you,


  • It would be incredible to be able to add Conditional Logic to different elements in order to display various elements based on different user states:

    • Geolocation
    • Whether the user is logged in or not
    • Depending on the entry date
    • Whether it's the user's first visit or not

    I've attached an image of a plugin called "The Plus" for Elementor that works with BeTheme, but unfortunately, it doesn't have all these functions. Thank you!

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to add possibility to change products per page quantity for desktop and mobile?

    For online markets it's important!

  • Ability to create custom template for Woocommerce checkout, cart, customer account,

    Ability to edit left cart sidebar

  • It would be great if the Testimonials module operated like the Portfolio module in that the designation of Categories would allow Testimonials to be organized and filtered by type on a single page where all Testimonials display.

  • Only my first product as the demo content for the page BeBuilder template builder, I would like to choose the product to use as the demo content, so I can customise various product templates correctly.

    Just add a drop down at the top to say "Preview product"

  • An option to include a video thumbnail for the portfolio (autoplay, no controls) . Also Similar to the banner box, where the image is replaced with a video ?

  • Darkmode would be nice!

  • Custom page based on user role - template.

    Can we make a separate page like my-account for customers or subscribers?

    I use another theme and it has an email customizer feature and it is very good. Be theme should have it too.

  • Hello.

    Having the ability to add a “Buy Now” button - which immediately sends the client to place an order, is very convenient if a person needs 1 product and allows him to do it faster, ignoring the cart.

    This is very important for the store.

    Thank you.

  • I agree that for some countries and their policies, it is important to be able to control some content or display options for users.

  • it is possible to add shipping bar to the product page? I mean under button "Add to cart" show something "Buy for €XX and get free shipping!" It the same like in the left sidebar cart.

  • Paid Memberships pro (or any other suggested) membership plugin compatibility would be great

  • It would be good to have time to read the blog post.

  • Hi it would be good if

    1- The footer element options be the same as the header.

    2- for the video section add more options for the cover image and control .

  • Read more that after clicking shows previously hidden part of the paragraph or text

  • edited March 2024


    You should consider to have the possibility to manage links and layout without typing HTML. It takes a lot of time now. It should also be easy to insert pictures. This is very easy in WP Bakery.

  • Hello,

    changing the background opacity for the subheader's affects, the title, and breadcrumbs , it would be preferable to only modify the background without affecting the title.

    Thank you

  • Hello

     Pay attention to how the designer works with SEO plugins; a large set of nice functions may simply not work.

     for example, RankMath cannot automatically receive text for SEO display; for this you need to do manipulations according to your instructions, but this is not what you want to do with every page.

  • Hello,

    Regarding the under construction mode, it would be great to include a custom link generated for the client to view without disabling it. This helps prevent the website from being published ready


  • Hello, please consider adding an important feature for stores.

     In the variable product card, when selecting an attribute, visually change the variations that are out of stock, and if one of the variations is no longer in any attribute, immediately change its appearance - for example, cross it out.

     Previously, the themes that I bought for stores had this function, and it greatly increases conversion and removes a lot of unnecessary questions from customers.

     Thank you.

  • You're welcome.

    Make the Related posts type random. 

    So that relevant posts will be displayed in random order. 

    Now, only the latest posts are shown. 

    If random posts are shown, we will get more clicks on different articles. 

    Thank you. 

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