Translator demo installed - no pictures / icons showing


I have just installed the Translator demo theme and no pictures/icons are showing.
Is it to be expected or did I miss something ?



  • Hi,

    You've probably didn't check Import attachments checkbox while importing demo data

  • I did, but I can start again.
    What is best ? Import again or import attachements through FTP ?
    In which folder are the attachements ?

  • I have removed the betheme folder by ftp and started the importation again.
    I have loaded the Translator data with attachement and still the same issue...

    any help would be appreciated
  • just to let you know that I get it working after uninstalling my wordpress module and installing it again in the www folder of my server. 
    I had it installed before into a subfolder www/com-bresil/...

    Maybe the images not showing issue was down to this sub-folder installation

  • Hi,

    Probably you didn't set right folder write permissions on your /uploads folder

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