How to embed links to separate pages

I have a website at which uses your Be theme: the bulk of the website is set up as a static front page. I've created separate pages for my 'small print' (terms and conditions, privacy policy etc) and I'd like to embed links to these pages at various points on the static page. Ideally I'd like to site the links in the footer at the very base of the static page, adjacent to the existing copyright line. Could you tell me how I can achieve this?
Thanks in advance, Ed Hardy


  • Hi,

    please give us more details about what you mean with some screenshots because we are not sure what exactly you want to do.
  • Sure, and thanks for the reply.

    My site ( is currently a single static page, which the user scrolls down to access the various elements. In addition to this however I've created separate pages for a number of legal documents (privacy policy, terms and conditions of business etc). I'd like to embed links to these pages in the footer of my main static front page: in this way when the user scrolls down to the bottom of the static page they see a single line with a number of links to the various separate pages, as well as the existing copyright line. So that footer line would look something like this:

    CarHounds Terms & Conditions of Business/Website Terms & Conditions/Privacy Policy/© CarHounds 2016 All Rights Reserved

    ...where the first three terms ('CarHounds Terms & Conditions of Business', 'Website Terms & Conditions' and 'Privacy Policy') are all links to the relevant separate page. When the user clicks on any of these they are taken to the relevant page where they can see the information they need.

    I've worked out how to personalise my footer line (see existing website) but what I don't know is how to insert the necessary links.

    Does this make my request any clearer?
  • What you are talking is called One Page. However, if you talk about the links in footer widgets (Footer 1 and Footer 2) you can wrap them into the same html tags as you did it in the 3rd column.
    <a href="">CarHounds Terms & Conditions of Business</a>
    The # sign is the place where links should be instead.
  • That's great, thanks.

    I've done this for two of my separate pages so far (Terms & Conditions and Privacy) but I notice it's run all the words together in one long unintelligible line.

    Ideally I'd like to have a space, a vertical line and another space in between 'Terms & Conditions' and 'Privacy' and between 'Privacy' and the copyright line: can you tell me what code to insert to achieve this?

  • Please show us on screenshot how exactly you want to do this because we are not sure abut your needs.
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