Creating links that pop-up as new windows

I've created a footer for my website at featuring links to my Business Terms and Conditions, Website Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. These links currently take the visitor straight to the page in question in place of the main website page: what I'd prefer is for the links to generate a new browser window showing the relevant page. Could you let me have the necessary code to achieve this?
Thanks, Ed Hardy


  • Hi,

    new window you can open by setting up target="_blank" attribute for these links. More details about this you can read on
  • That's brilliant, thanks very much.

    I have three more questions if I may.

    First, can you tell me if it is possible to alter the depth of the dark grey panel towards the bottom of the main static page of my site at This panel is immediately above the footer and (on my site at least) carries the links to documents as mentioned in the question above. I'd like to make the grey panel shallower: can this be done?

    Second, I have noticed that when I view my website on some computers it appears to 'jerk upwards' every few seconds, before then dropping back down a second or so later. It makes it very off-putting to try to read the site: is this an issue with the theme, or some issue with the particular computers or browsers I use? I have to say I've never noticed this problem on my own computer, which I used to build the site.

    Third, is there anything I need to do in order to optimise the site when viewed on mobile devices? My site looks fine on my iPad but when I view it on my iPhone all I see on the landing page is a very small section of my main featured image (so small as to be unintelligible) and the first few words of my header (ie not enough words as to be intelligible). Is there any way of improving these?

    Thanks in advance, Ed Hardy
  • For each point, we need the screenshot with explanation. Only after that we would be able to tell you if these things are possible or not.
  • is it possible to restrict the size of a pop up window from a pricing item as i want to link a contact from from a button but i want a rectricted size pop up not a full window ?
  • @simoncmo Sorry but we do not have any option to do this unfortunately.
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