Imprint under Footer

Hi there,
I did not manage to include an "Imprint & Dataprotection" link as a footer element below the common footer(s) 1-4. It would just be a textline (like the Copyright) but INCLUDING a link (to the imprint), situated below or above the Copyright. Could you please help me out and tell me how to do it?


  • Hi Sven,

    we do not have anything like this included. To add something like that, you need to modify footer.php file.
  • Hi there,
    sorry for asking kind of a dumb question - I don´t know any PHP- could you please tell me what (and where) I would need to write into the footer.php to get the Hyperlink "Imprint" in the center of the bottom of the page? Thanks you very much in advance!
  • We are sorry but in reference to Item Support Policy, files customization are not allowed. So if you have no idea about PHP or HTML, you need to contact with your web developer.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • In case someone else is searching for this, it's actually very easy.
    Just add the html code in the copyright field behind your copyright text exactely like this.

    © The owner of this page |    <a href="url">Imprint</a>

    Then replace url with your link and maybe change the colour of "Imprint" under Betheme options -> colour -> footer -> link colour.
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