Not all fields in Contact form 7 are working


I have a slight malfunctioning with Contact form 7: not all fields are sending the information.

What I have in Contact Form 7:

<p>Votre nom (obligatoire)<br />
    [text* your-name] </p>

<p>Votre email (obligatoire)<br />
    [email* your-email] </p>

<p>Téléphone/GSM <br />
    [text your-subject] </p>

<p>Jours et heures souhaités (3 max)<br />
    [text text-829]</p>

<p>Prestation souhaitée (3 max)<br />
    [textarea your-message] </p>

<p>Nombre de personnes(3 max)<br />
   [number number-824]</p>

<p>[submit "Envoyer"]</p>

What I recieve by email:

Name - Email

Subject : phone number


What I dont recieve:

    [text text-829]

if I add second textarea I dont recieve it:
    [textarea your-message]

  [number number-824].

Looks like I'm limited to only 4 fields: Name I Email I Phone I One text area

How can I change it and be able to receive 3 text areas or text area and text
text and number number?

Thank you!


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