Apple Touch Icon not working

Hi there,

we've added a 180x180px apple-touch-icon.png to our Website but when we try to save the icon to our home screen on iOS 9.2 we only get a little "screenshot" of the website and no touch icon.

What's the problem?


  • Hi,

    we did checked this option and it works fine. You must did something wrong if it does not work on your side.
  • edited March 2016
    Hi there,

    sorry but this is not an answer I wish to get from support. It is logical that I have did something wrong. How do you check this issue when you don't know the domain?

    Please check here:

    *** Removed because of security reason ***

    Please delete login credentials after that. Thank you
  • We did checked it on our end. But maybe you can tell us why you did not
    posted this url in 1st message? If it's so obvious that we were unable
    to check it on your side, why you did not provided it in 1st message?

    If you want us to have a look on it closer, you should send us dashboard details privately. We thought that it's clear and obvious to everyone.
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