2. I don't undertand a navigation of buttom in blog's detail page. I think betheme is opposite another program. For example, If I click ' < ' button , I can see "recent article" goolge web or another program. But betheme is if I click ' < ' button , I can see "fast article" It is confusing for user.
1. You broke it with your own custom css for the borders. Please remove those borders and all would be fine!
2. This is how fixed navigation works. If it's confusing, you can disable this navigation under Theme options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General section.
I think betheme is opposite another program.
For example, If I click ' < ' button , I can see "recent article" goolge web or another program.
But betheme is if I click ' < ' button , I can see "fast article"
It is confusing for user.
1. You broke it with your own custom css for the borders. Please remove those borders and all would be fine!
2. This is how fixed navigation works. If it's confusing, you can disable this navigation under Theme options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General section.